BSNL Broadband Hacked | How To Hack Bsnl Broadband

Here is the trick for How To Hack Bsnl Broadband I hope you will really enjoy it Follow the below steps to do this 

1. Identify your IP address (dont knw? visit @

2.Download IP scanner.( i prefer

Open IP scanner .GO to option/select port.Enter 80 in 1st option(enter post to scan)

4.In hostname option type ur ip.Click On the ip button next to host name on opening it will automatically fill the ip range.

5.In the first option Let ur original IP be but in the second option fill the ip greated then original.Now click Scan

6.IT will give you LIst of ips showing some ips green on left side.

7.Right click that ip and then to option 'open computer' & select browser

8.ASk for username and pass.GIve username :admin password:admin

9.if it doesnt respond take some other green IP.

10. When pages get open go to home & click Wan.Here uu will see user id and pass in coded form

11.To fetched actual passowrd download this soft from "(

12.Extract files from tht and run'X-pass'.Drag d 'x' icon in password filled and u will get the pass.

13. To check that pass go to

Thats it Done! x)

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How To Send Fake Emails?

After my post on How To Secure Facebook Account From Hackers , Today I am going to show you how to send fake emails. Ya fake emails, I know many of you ask this can we send Emails with others name, or other email address, ya you are right you can do this here. 
For those who didn't know what is fake mail for them I am discussing some terms related to them below.

What is Fake Mail?
A fake mail is mail in simple word a anonymous email. A fake mail is a mail in which the sender can send this mail to anyone without mention his/her original ID. 

Yes the site is Embei's Fake Mailer

This site looks like this.
Here you can give any Name, Email ID, Subject, Text.
Name- This is the option from which the mail is to be send.
Email-ID- Here you can give any Email-ID as per your choice.
To- This is important as here you have to give the recipient's Email address.
Subject- Anything as per your choice.
Text- Anything as want to write and send it to the victim.
And many other option as your per your requirement.

Note: This post was only for Educational purpose. So remember don't use it for any illegal purpose or you only will be responsible. 
I Hope you really enjoy it !!

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Website Hacking Best Techniques By Xcoder

Everyday, you search in Google, Yahoo, and other search engines, "How to Hack Websites?", "Methods to Hack Website", "Website Hacking", etc. Website Hacking have become a popular business or rather an interesting game for many people, reasons behind this hack is normally to prove their skills and to get fame, or anything else. As we know, "To catch a thief, we must think like a thief", like here also, we can conclude that to secure a things, we must first find insecure in it, then we can proceed on securing. So, before proceeding to the topic of securing we must first know what is insecure in it.

There are many drawbacks by which websites are compromised, these is normally due to the poor management of site by the webmaster or admin.

So, the methods by which websites are hacked are:
  • Cross-Site Scripting
  • SQL Injection
  • Remote File Inclusion
  • Local File Inclusion
  • Denial of Service Attack
  • Brute-Force Attack
These are some of the common methods to hack a website, let's discuss them below:
  • Cross-site Scripting: Cross-Site Scripting is a type of attack in which a hacker inject script into webpages. Their effect may range from a pretty nuisance to a significant security risk. By this way of injecting codes into webpages, a hacker can gain access to sensitive page content, session cookies, and a variety of other information which are maintained by the browser on behalf of the user.
  • SQL Injection: SQL stands for Structured Query Language, SQL Injection is a another type of web application vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. It is mostly used for stealing sensitive data (like Username, Password, Email ID, many more). It takes advantages of improper coding in the web application that allow the attacker to inject SQL commands.
  • Remote File Inclusion: Remote File Inclusion (RFI) allows an attacker to include a remote file, usually through a script on the web server. A hacker usually upload a file (normally a shell) by tricking the web server on the webpage.
  • Local File Inclusion: A Local File Inclusion (LFI) is a method to include local files on runtime. This is much same like RFI. This method involves the discovering of /etc/passwd file in the web directory.
  • Denial of Service Attack: Denial of Service Attack (DoS attack) or Distributed Denial of Service attack(DDoS attack) is an attempt to make the computer resource unavailable to its users. These are the common attack nowadays, its main purpose is to obstruct the communication of the victim's computer by forcing the targeted computer(s) to reset.
  • Brute-Force Attack: Brute-Force Attack is a method in which an attacker tries to crack every possible letters of the password until the whole password is cracked. The main drawback of this attack is that it takes too much time while cracking the password, as it tries every possible character which can be a part of the password.
There are many other ways too for taking over a site, but these are nowadays very common.

Some others methods are DNS Hijacking, Insufficient Administration, Misconfiguration, Uses of Trojans, many more.

My advice to all the webmaster or admin is to check their site against these vulnerabilities as to protect them from future attacks.

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Everyday, you search in Google, Yahoo, and other search engines, "How to Hack Websites?", "Methods to Hack Website", "Website Hacking", etc. Website Hacking have become a popular business or rather an interesting game for many people, reasons behind this hack is normally to prove their skills and to get fame, or anything else. As we know, "To catch a thief, we must think like a thief", like here also, we can conclude that to secure a things, we must first find insecure in it, then we can proceed on securing. So, before proceeding to the topic of securing we must first know what is insecure in it.

There are many drawbacks by which websites are compromised, these is normally due to the poor management of site by the webmaster or admin.

So, the methods by which websites are hacked are:
  • Cross-Site Scripting
  • SQL Injection
  • Remote File Inclusion
  • Local File Inclusion
  • Denial of Service Attack
  • Brute-Force Attack
These are some of the common methods to hack a website, let's discuss them below.
  • Cross-site Scripting: Cross-Site Scripting is a type of attack in which a hacker inject script into webpages. Their effect may range from a pretty nuisance to a significant security risk. By this way of injecting codes into webpages, a hacker can gain access to sensitive page content, session cookies, and a variety of other information which are maintained by the browser on behalf of the user. 
  • SQL Injection: SQL stands for Structured Query Language, SQL Injection is a another type of web application vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. It is mostly used for stealing sensitive data (like Username, Password, Email ID, many more). It takes advantages of improper coding in the web application that allow the attacker to inject SQL commands.
  • Remote File Inclusion: Remote File Inclusion (RFI) allows an attacker to include a remote file, usually through a script on the web server. A hacker usually upload a file (normally a shell) by tricking the web server on the webpage. 
  • Local File Inclusion: A Local File Inclusion (LFI) is a method to include local files on runtime. This is much same like RFI. This method involves the discovering of /etc/passwd/ file in the web directory.
  • Denial of Service Attack: Denial of Service Attack (DoS attack) or Distributed Denial of Service attack(DDoS attack) is an attempt to make the computer resource unavailable to its users. These are the common attack nowadays, its main purpose is to obstruct the communication of the victim's computer by forcing the targeted computer(s) to reset.
  • Brute-Force Attack: Brute-Force Attack is a method in which an attacker tries to crack every possible letters of the password until the whole password is cracked. The main drawback of this attack is that it takes too much time while cracking the password, as it tries every possible character which can be a part of the password.
There are many other ways too for taking over a site, but these are nowadays very common.

Some others methods are DNS Hijacking, Insufficient Administration, Misconfiguration, Uses of Trojans, many more.

My advice to all the webmaster or admin is to check their site against these vulnerabilities as to protect them from future attacks.

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How To Secure Facebook Account From Hackers

Facebook is always at the top of Hacker's list due to its large popularity, ease to use, connects large number of people,  large collection of applications, many more. Facebook was launched in 2004, as of January 2011, it had more than 600 million active user. A hacker can get many useful information about anyone with Hacking his or her Facebook Account and can destroy anyones social life with it. Due to large number of attacks on Facebook everyday, it is trying to deeply secure its data from attackers. Many new awesome security feature had been built to secure its users, but loophole is always there.

Some days before Facebook had built a new security feature, it is Login Approval  similar to 2-Step Verification. As I have already mentioned a post about 2-step verification, if you have read that post then you must have some knowledge about it. Anyways back to the post.

What is Login Approval?

Login Approvals is an opt-in security feature similar to Login Notifications, but with an extra security step. With Login Approvals, each time you try to access your Facebook account from an unrecognized device (ex: any computer or mobile phone you haven't named and saved to your Facebook account), you will first have to enter a security code that's been sent to your mobile phone. 

How to turn on Login Approval?

To turn on Login Approval in Facebook
  • Go to your Account Settings page and select the change option next to Account Security.
  • Check the box under Login Approval ( If you don’t have a mobile phone number linked to your Facebook account, you will need to add one).
  • If you are haven't named the device you are on, you will be prompted to do so when you turn on Login Approvals. Do not click the "Save this device" option if you are using a public device (ex: a friend’s phone, a library computer). Note that all of the devices linked to your Facebook account (ex: your recognized devices) are listed under the Login Approvals section.
What will happen after turning on the Login Approval?
After turning on this feature whenever you will login to your Facebook Account from any other unrecognized devices you will be ask to enter a security code which will be sent to your mobile. 

Google 2-Step Verification V/S Facebook Login Approval?
Google 2-Step verification is far most better than Facebook Login Approval because Google 2-Step verification also provide some backup codes in case of mobile loss or other and  in case when you can't receive verification code due to some network problem or else, you can also get a call from Google informing you about the verification codes, as compared to Facebook Login Approval. Facebook may also work hard to compete with Google 2-Step Verification.
I hope you really enjoy it this post !!

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How to recover your deleted files from memory card | Recover Deleted Pictures and Files from Memory Cards

My Had Accidently Deleted quite a few recent pics from my Nokia N97 Memory Card and He was feeling pretty much disgraced about that. We recently went for an excellent trip, captured all those fun moments in the camera and yes if those memories get deleted, everyone will feel disgusted about that. It is at that time, I googled and finally found a recovery software that not only recovered ALL THE PICTURES from my memory card but also it was absolutely FREE to use as well. Amazing right?

PC Inspector Smart Recovery is just the right software that can do wonders for you. Believe me, it works perfectly fine although takes a bit of time (when I say “bit of time” that means hours and hours…) to recover all those accidently deleted pictures and files. The software is very easy to use and even if you are not a computer savvy person, you can use it without much discomfort.

PC INSPECTOR Smart Recovery works with Flash Card™, Smart Media™, SONY Memory Stick™, IBM™ Micro Drive, Multimedia Card, Secure Digital Card or any other data carrier for Digital Cameras. I have tried this software on my Phone Memory Card as well and it recovered all the pictures that got accidently deleted.
If you have unintentionally deleted or formatted pictures, videos or sound files on your data carrier or have pulled it out during a write operation, no matter – PC INSPECTOR smart recovery can easily, quickly and absolutely reliably reconstruct the lost data. It supports the following picture formats: .jpg, .amr, .tif, .bmp, .gif, Canon .crw , Fuji .raf , RICOH .raw, Olympus .orf (E-XX), Olympus .orf (C5050), Nokia 3gp, Kodak .dcr, Minolta .mrw, Nikon .nef (D1H/D1X), Nikon .nef (D2H/D2X), Nikon .nef (E5000/E5700), Sigma – Foveon .x3f, mp4, QuickTime .mov (Konica Minolta). Video files in .avi, QuickTime .mov format and audio files in .wav, .dss format can also be recovered.
Suggestions If you have deleted the files by mistake and want to recover most of those, PLEASE STOP TAKING ANY MORE PICTURES from your digital camera or mobile phone. That’s because the more you write new data on your memory card, the chances of recovering old and deleted data becomes less.

Software download link :- CLICK HERE

i hope you really enjoying it !!

Thanks for visiting!

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How To Format Mobile Phone | Trick to Complete Formatting Mobile Phone

 Here is the trick for complete formatting of your virus infected or other problem arriving mobile phone...

This trick is for almost all Nokia models.

1. Switch off your phone...
2. Remove SIM card & memory chip...
3. Now press & hold keys - 3,*,call green) ...
4. Then without leaving these three buttons press power button...
5. Formatting task will be started...
6. Remember its a very rare trick....

 Yes its true its call hard format.

 key * , 3 , Call button (green) press and hold when display is on than formatting screen is displayed.
Wait for formatting to be finished,
Before carrying out this process make sure you have copied all your contacts and notes onto your Memory, because every thing will be deleted. When its finished the formatted phone may be like new, just like when u have brought it from showroom! :)

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How to check china mobile IMEI number valid and original? | Check Mobile IMEI Number

I came across a news article regarding China Mobiles and the importance of IMEI numbers. So here I provide a method by which you can check whether your phone has a valid and original IMEI number.

Mobile number without or wrong IMEI number are banned accorss India now. Mostly China mobile phone brands like Alkatel, Sigmatel, Spice, Karbon, GFIVE and many more now provide valid IMEI number

Check China or any Mobile Phone IMEI Number Validity

1.Press *#06# on your mobile handset and note down the 15 digit IMEI number
2.Compose a new message from your mobile >> Type your 15 digit IMEI number >> Send it to 53232
3.If you get “Success” as the reply, then your mobile IMEI number is valid
4.If you get “Invalid IMEI” as the reply, that means your IMEI number is not valid
5.You are now done.

This will help you to know that your imei number is valid or not

I hope u really enjoy it !!!

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How To Hack Windows Administrator Password In Safe Mode


Have you ever tried using someone’s computer when they said you couldn’t? And you cant log in because they have a password? Below is the step by step procedure where you can log in to machine
Just in case anyone is confused:
Your Acount Name – the account name you wish to have
Victim Account Name – the account name of which you wish to change the password.
Step 1:
Restart the computer, and when it boots back up tap the f8 key a few times to go to a menu that asks about safe mode.
Step 2:
Select safe mode with Command Prompt. It should load into safe mode allowing you to use CMD.
Step 3:
Now what you need to do is type this command:
net user YourAccountName localgroup administrators /add
NOTE: What this does is is create the account in the administrators group. =)
Step 4:
now type
shutdown -r -t 1
NOTE: this restarts the computer. Then log in with your newly created account.


Another way to do this is to do the same thing as earlier and boot into safe mode with command prompt.
Type this:
net user VictimAccountName *
You should see this output
Please Enter a new password:
Please Confirm new Password:
To add your account to the admin panel type this: net localgroup administrator “username” /add
This takes the account specified and changes the password to what you want.
Be careful as entering the password doesn’t show anything.
Please drop a comment if this doesn’t works. Leave me some Feedback. =)

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How To Hack Yahoo Accounts Easily

Hello Readers, I am very glad and happy to write it. I have heard a lots of people nowadays ask on How to Hack Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, YouTube, Orkut, etc, etc. For them I am posting this hack. I hope you will really enjoy it and make use of it but don't use it for any harmful purpose and misuse it. So for this hack you will need a small program of which I will discuss below and tell you about on how to use it.

The name of this wonderful program is Magic PS. Its a wonderful software utility which sends User ID and password of the victim to your yahoo account.

Steps for Hacking:

  • First of all download this program from here ( It's recommended to turn off Anti-Virus before using it)
  • Extract it on desktop (The file is in .zip format so you have to extract it)
  • Choose the desired option, give your Yahoo ID, bind it with other file, choose any icon, and other options as your choice.
  • At last you will see a newly created .exe file.
  • Send it to the victim, as soon as he will run it you will get his ID and Password
Screenshot of the program:

I will recommend you to use these option as shown in screenshot below:

I hope you really enjoy it.

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