Download Ebook : PHP Security Guide 1.0

Are you a php web developer? Then this is the perfect guide to Security measures while coding php based apps.

The PHP Security Guide is the flagship project of the PHP Security Consortium. This guide offers detailed information pertaining to a number of common security concerns for all PHP developers.

Contents :

1. Overview :

1.1 What Is Security?
1.2 Basic Steps
1.3 Register Globals
1.4 Data Filtering
1.4.1 The Dispatch Method
1.4.2 The Include Method
1.4.3 Filtering Examples
1.4.4 Naming Conventions
1.4.5 Timing
1.5 Error Reporting

2. Form Processing :

2.1 Spoofed Form Submissions
2.2 Spoofed HTTP Requests
2.3 Cross-Site Scripting
2.4 Cross-Site Request Forgeries

3. Databases and SQL :

3.1 Exposed Access Credentials
3.2 SQL Injection

4. Sessions :

4.1 Session Fixation
4.2 Session Hijacking

5. Shared Hosts :

5.1 Exposed Session Data
5.2 Browsing the Filesystem

6. About :

6.1 About This Guide
6.2 About This PDF
6.3 About the PHP Security Consortium
6.4 More Information


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