How To Hack Yahoo Accounts Easily

Hello Readers, I am very glad and happy to write it. I have heard a lots of people nowadays ask on How to Hack Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, YouTube, Orkut, etc, etc. For them I am posting this hack. I hope you will really enjoy it and make use of it but don't use it for any harmful purpose and misuse it. So for this hack you will need a small program of which I will discuss below and tell you about on how to use it.

The name of this wonderful program is Magic PS. Its a wonderful software utility which sends User ID and password of the victim to your yahoo account.

Steps for Hacking:

  • First of all download this program from here ( It's recommended to turn off Anti-Virus before using it)
  • Extract it on desktop (The file is in .zip format so you have to extract it)
  • Choose the desired option, give your Yahoo ID, bind it with other file, choose any icon, and other options as your choice.
  • At last you will see a newly created .exe file.
  • Send it to the victim, as soon as he will run it you will get his ID and Password
Screenshot of the program:

I will recommend you to use these option as shown in screenshot below:

I hope you really enjoy it.

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